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免費 明信片 矢量圖、剪貼畫和插圖

有 292,803 張 明信片 的免費圖片可供使用,而且我們世界各地的創作者每天都會添加更多圖片,
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插圖來自 ACworks
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您正在尋找引人注目的 明信片 免費剪貼畫、插圖和矢量圖,可以合法地用於您的下一個個人和商業項目?有數百萬 明信片 庫存插圖可供使用,還有很多我們的創作者每天都會添加更多內容,IllustAC 將是您的正確選擇。探索 illustAC 的 明信片 類別,您一定可以在幾分鐘內找到您需要的正確剪貼畫和插圖。
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ACworks是一家基於專業約稿,與大眾創作者投稿相結合的方式提供免費素材下載的公司。得益於這種素材來源的獨特屬性,在當前的illustAC - 明信片 這一類別頁面中,您將能找到與其他素材圖庫風格不盡相同,但仍能安全用於商業用途的素材。


  • 類素材的型別
  • 素材的搜尋
  • 素材的編輯
  • 素材的使用目的/許可範圍

1. 免費明信片素材的型別





2. 免費明信片素材的搜尋


  • 按關鍵詞搜尋明信片
  • 調整符合條件的素材的表示順序
  • 排除關鍵字搜尋
  • 按顏色搜尋
  • 按人數搜尋
  • 尋找類似明信片素材












  • 當您嘗試從搜尋結果頁面檢視時,尋找類似功能將會從向量插圖圖庫illustAC以及剪影圖庫silhouetteAC中尋找明信片素材。此時,儘管類似向量圖的種類會發生變化(即插圖和剪影),但換個角度想,這些全新的素材類別也為您提供了更多的選擇空間。
  • 而當您試圖尋找同一種類的免費插圖/向量圖時,您只需要點選希望成為查詢物件的向量圖即可。該功能是透過ACworks的另一項技術----以圖搜圖自動完成的。透過點選特定的插圖/向量圖,頁面將會跳轉到您選擇的向量圖的下載頁,同時在該向量圖的標籤下方,會出現向量圖結構、內容類似的插圖/向量圖。這些插圖/向量圖當中有些來自於統一創作者,而有些不是。構圖相似而風格迥異的免版稅插圖/向量圖也有可能成為啟發您的創造性的關鍵。如果您暫時找不到完美的插圖,不如點開最接近理想狀態的一份向量圖。說不定裡面就包含著更精彩的推薦!

3. 免費向量圖編輯


4. 向量圖的使用目的/許可範圍

如果您喜歡當前的明信片類別下的插圖/向量圖或向量圖,您完全可以免費下載。為了適應不同的使用目的,我們為您準備了JPG、PNG以及AI/EPS型別的不同檔案格式供您選擇。在下載前,您需要首先完成免費帳號的註冊和登入。在實際使用時,您不需要引用出處,並且可用於商業專案。 因此,您完全可以將心儀的高質量、免版稅的插圖/向量圖用於傳單/海報等印刷品、網站建設、電商廣告、或電視節目的製作上!


Brief intro about postcards

The Postcard is a card sent through our email at a lower postage rate than a sealed envelope and usually features a picture on one side and a message on the other. Photographs were and still are, used to create many postcards. Without the use of words, photographs can represent social history. Postcards can be as inventive as the sender wishes. A postcard can be used to promote new products and services, advertise a sale or special offer, invite people to a tradeshow, seminar, or event, generate traffic to a website, function as a coupon, and just about any other marketing concept you have.

When sending postcard templates, the greeting is an excellent spot to begin your message and make your receiver feel important. Start your Postcard with 'Dear, (name)' if you're going for a formal tone. If you want to go more casually, begin your Postcard with 'Hello, Hi, or Hey (name)'.A postcard can sometimes be sent for less money than a letter in some countries. Postcards (which require a postage stamp) and postal cards (which do not) are distinguished by stamp collectors (which have the postage pre-printed on them). A postal card is issued by the relevant postal authority, whereas a postcard is usually printed and sold by a private company, individual, or organization (often with pre-printed postage). Postcard production exploded in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. They were highly popular as a quick and straightforward way to interact. Deltiology is the study and collection of postcards (from Greek deletion, small writing tablet, and English -logy, the study of)

The practice of sending a picture or blank card stock holding a message through the mail at a letter rate originated in the United States with a card stamped in December 1848 featuring printed advertising. The first commercially produced card was made in 1861 by Philadelphia's John P. Charlton, who patented a private postal card and sold the rights to Hymen Lipman, whose postcards were marketed as "Lipman's Postal Card," replete with a painted border. There were no images on these cards. While the US government allowed privately produced cards as early as February 1861, they were rarely used until 1870, when commercial viability tests were conducted.

postcard templates help some business owners get near your prospect and connect in a comfortable, social setting. According to the Postal Service, postcards are more than six times as likely to be read as direct mail letters (94 per cent vs 14 percent). Postcards are written in the same way as an informal letter would be.


  • The date and the location are both written on the same line.
  • The full address of the sender is not registered.
  • The salutation, subscription, and sender's name must be written in capital letters.

Their real name, address, area code, state, and country are all included. The postal office will not look for information on the face of the Postcard, so don't write on it. Make sure that your writing is as legible as possible.

What are the popular types of postcards?

Postcards production exploded in the late 1800s and early 1900s, when size, color, and other restrictions were lifted. Postcards were popular because they allowed people to communicate quickly and easily. Today, deltiology (the study of postcards) is a popular pastime. The popular postcards are Single & reply postcards, which are very popular among others.

Pioneer postcards, produced in the United States between 1873 and 1897, are precious. The flipside of these cards is distinctive in that there is no message, only the address. Until the early 1900s, the postal office prevented people from writing remarks on the backs of postcards.

Different postcard designs differ from other countries like North America and Japan if we talk about our countries. Although postcards are now widely used worldwide, they had a humble beginning. The first Postcard was mailed 177 years ago, in 1840, by an Englishman named Theodore Hook to himself. Despite the advancements in technology, postcards remain one of the most thoughtful gifts you can send. In North America, You can find postcards in a trending way.

In North America, you can find; A mailpiece must be rectangular and meet the following specifications to qualify as a postcard: At least 3-1/2" in height, 5" in length, and 0.007" in thickness. 4-1/4" height X 6" length X 0.016" width is the maximum size. As well the size of Japan, before you start designing, you'll need to determine which standard postcard size is best for you and your marketing strategy. 4x6, 4.25x5. 5, 4.25x6, 5x7, 5.5x8. 5, 6x9, and 11x6" are the standard postcard sizes.

When it comes to postcard design, what to expect on illustAC

You can make these postcard templates for the websites of editorAC. So, let us find how to create a postcards design from editorAC quickly. editorAC is simple and stylish! Make flyers using a variety of design templates. You can require a leaflet for various reasons, including business, events, and school activities. Of course, commercial editing software allows you to create attractive flyers, but editorAC is free to use and allows you to develop basic and fashionable pamphlets.

There are 7 million members to exceed from the editorAC. Once you know your goal, you can use the editorAC for postcard templates and postcard design. You can easily search from the editorAC for what you are looking for. You can type want you want and click the search button. So, from the point of start, there are several tutorials to find the postcard templates for a different category like for the business; You can use these postcard templates for the banner, flyer, A4, Menu, Business card, Business card ID, Shopping card, Logo, Presentation.

Many illustrators have contributed a total of 30,820 free illustrations and photos linked to " postcard design." Click the illustration image to go to the free download page if you find a free illustration material/image related to your preferred "postcard design." Please leave a remark on the illustrator who made the illustration after downloading. You can also request unique photographs directly from the illustrator's profile page linked to the artwork download page.

We offer 1 to 60 free illustrations and images connected to the 21,218 " postcard templates " shared by numerous illustrators. You can go for the illustration image to go to the free download page if you find a free illustration material/image linked to your chosen "postcard templates." After that, leave a remark on the illustrator who made the illustration after downloading. The illustration download page also includes a link to the illustrator's page, where you can request original illustration work directly.